Monthly Archive:: February 2016
19 Feb 2016
How Single Buoy Moorings Work

Also referred to as single-point mooring (SPM), the single buoy mooring or SBM is an offshore anchored loading buoy, serving as a mooring point as well as interconnect for ocean going tankers offloading and loading liquid or gas products. SPM/SBMs become the connection between weathervaning tankers and the geostatic subsea. They have the capacity of
04 Feb 2016
Complete Guide to Marine Breakaway Couplings

Marine Breakaway Couplings – Protecting Against the Inherent Dangers of Fluid Transfer in a Marine Environment Despite the ongoing development of pipelines across many parts of the world, the transportation of fluids such as crude oil from their source to their destination is still largely done via ocean-bound tanker. Considering the potential flammability and highly